JAMESPLUMB is a title assembled from pieces of its members’ own names: James Russell and Hannah Plumb. This piece-pasting process of assemblage is somewhat of a synecdoche for their entire approach to interior design, which involves sourcing out and piecing apart the discarded and discounted, and imbuing it with new life. Despite the potential allusions associated with such methods, their work is less Dr. Frankenstein than it is Mother Goose. Their ambient interiors and personified paraphernalia, although reincarnations of forgotten relics, manage to avoid the realm of the macabre, and instead exist in a world imagined by a child and realized by an adult – simultaneously evoking feelings of nostalgia and wonderment, sensibility and sophistication. In a JAMESPLUMB space, their unfettered exploration of shape, meaning, and story are trumped only by their excruciating attention to detail. Just as their individual interests would dictate, each JAMESPLUMB design or installation is a carefully constructed, aesthetically engaging story. Every JAMESPLUMB creation gives breath to the inanimate, narrative to the mute, action to the inert.